About Our Blog...

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Why did we create this blog?
To join the

Who designed this blog?
Wan Daud bin Wan Ahmad A.K.A. MrDadu09. He handles the blog designs as he is the only one good in html coding.

Where did you get the banner from?
Remember in one of our posts we went to the National Zoo? Well, the picture in it is from the one we captured and then was edited by Wan Daud bin Wan Ahmad A.K.A. MrDadu09

Who organised the contents and updated the posts?
We did it together as inspired by Wonderpets, and ideas were translated by Mohd Nizam bin Mohammad Zawawy.

Where do you get the blog contents?
Google is a very helpful search engine =)

Feel free to ask us about anything regarding our blog...
Contact details can be found >>HERE<< 

Questions about our blog design:

Why did we create this blog in English?
Because our intention is not only for the Malaysians to read but also for all the people over the world!

Why did we put a chat box in our blog?
To get to know our readers better while sharing knowledge about orangutans.

Each colour in this blog has its own meaning, but what are their meanings?

Why is the background brown?
It represents the trunk of the tree where orangutan lives.

Why did we make the chatbox and the music player green in colour?
It represents the leaves of the trees where orangutan get their shelters.
 Why did we use dark colours for our banner?
It depicts the sorrowfulness of the orangutans.


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